Appendix A — Station Classifications

This information was compiled as part of a larger system-wide effort to combine the many factors that influence coastal water quality using the Coastal and Marine Ecological Standard (CMECS) Classifications. For more information on the NERRS Characteristics of Land Use and Ecosystems (CLUE) project, visit

Table A.1: Coastal and Marine Ecological Standard CMECS Classifications for the four GTM Research Reserve long-term water quality monitoring stations, Pine Island gtmpiwq, San Sebastian gtmsswq, Fort Matanzas gtmfmwq, and Pellicer Creek gtmpcwq.
ClassificationFinished? Reserve ReserveCode StationID YSI_ID StationType Status StationName CDMO WQ Data URL Realm Province Ecoregion NERR_BioRegion EPAIII_Code EPAIII_Name EPAIV_Code EPAIV_Name AquaticSystem AquaticSubsystem WaterColumn SalinityRegime Salinity Class TempRegime TidalRegime ResidualCurrentType TidalFlowType PrimaryWaterSource TectonicSetting PhysiographicSetting GeoformOrigin Level1Geoform_GreaterThan1km2 Level1GeoformType_GreaterThan1km2 Level2Geoform_LessThan1km2 Level2GeoformType_LessThan1km2 DominantLandCover CCAP_LandCoverSubClass_GreaterThan1km2 CCAP_LandCoverClass_GeraterThan1km2 CCAP_LandCoverSubClass_LessThan1km2 CCAP_LandCoverClass_LessThan1km2 SubstrateOrigin SubstrateClass SubstrateSubclass PercentClay PercentSilt PercentSand PercentGravel PercentOrganics BioticSetting BioticClass BioticSubclass SecondaryBioticElement TertiaryBioticElement RealTimeDataLink StationDescription_NO land cover
Y Guana Tolomato Mantanzas GTM FMWQ GTMFMWQ fixed near-bottom P Fort Matanzas NA Temperate Northern Atlantic Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic Carolinian Carolinian 75 Southern Coastal Plain 75d Eastern Florida Flatwoods Estuarine Estuarine Tidal Riverine Coastal Lower Water Column Euhaline Water high salinity Warm Water Moderately Tidal Well-mixed Domain Mixed Semi-diurnal Tidal Flow Local Ocean Exchange Passive Continental Margin Lagoonal Estuary Geologic Inlet Tidal Inlet Channel Tidal Channel/Creek [land use TBD] NA NA NA NA Biogenic Substrate Shell Substrate Shell Sand NA NA NA NA NA Benthic/Attached Biota Non-Tidal Scrub-Shrub Mangrove Shrubland NA NA NA The Guana Tolomato Mantanzas Fort Matanzas station is a fixed near-bottom water quality station (GTMFMWQ) in a Channel surrounded by Non-Tidal Scrub-Shrub. The station is located within a Moderately Tidal, high salinity Lagoonal Estuary.
Y Guana Tolomato Mantanzas GTM PCWQ GTMPCWQ fixed near-bottom P Pellicer Creek NA Temperate Northern Atlantic Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic Carolinian Carolinian 75 Southern Coastal Plain 75d Eastern Florida Flatwoods Estuarine Estuarine Tidal Riverine Coastal Pycnocline Mesohaline Water brackish Warm Water Moderately Tidal Salt Wedge Domain Mixed Semi-diurnal Tidal Flow River Passive Continental Margin Riverine Estuary Geologic Channel Tidal Channel/Creek Channel Tidal Channel/Creek [land use TBD] NA NA NA NA Biogenic Substrate Organic Substrate Organic Mud NA NA NA NA NA Benthic/Attached Biota Emergent Wetland Emergent Tidal Marsh NA NA NA The Guana Tolomato Mantanzas Pellicer Creek station is a fixed near-bottom water quality station (GTMPCWQ) in a Channel surrounded by Emergent Wetland. The station is located within a Moderately Tidal, brackish Riverine Estuary.
Y Guana Tolomato Mantanzas GTM PIWQ GTMPIWQ fixed near-bottom P Pine Island NA Temperate Northern Atlantic Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic Carolinian Carolinian 75 Southern Coastal Plain 75d Eastern Florida Flatwoods Estuarine Estuarine Tidal Riverine Open Water Lower Water Column Upper Polyhaline Water high salinity Warm Water Moderately Tidal Well-mixed Domain Mixed Semi-diurnal Tidal Flow Local Estuary Exchange Passive Continental Margin Lagoonal Estuary Geologic Channel Tidal Channel/Creek Channel Tidal Channel/Creek [land use TBD] NA NA NA NA Biogenic Substrate Organic Substrate Organic Detritus NA NA NA NA NA Benthic/Attached Biota Emergent Wetland Emergent Tidal Marsh NA NA NA The Guana Tolomato Mantanzas Pine Island station is a fixed near-bottom water quality station (GTMPIWQ) in a Channel surrounded by Emergent Wetland. The station is located within a Moderately Tidal, high salinity Lagoonal Estuary.
Y Guana Tolomato Mantanzas GTM SSWQ GTMSSWQ fixed near-bottom P San Sebastian NA Temperate Northern Atlantic Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic Carolinian Carolinian 75 Southern Coastal Plain 75d Eastern Florida Flatwoods Estuarine Estuarine Tidal Riverine Open Water Lower Water Column Euhaline Water high salinity Warm Water Moderately Tidal Well-mixed Domain Mixed Semi-diurnal Tidal Flow Local Ocean Exchange Passive Continental Margin Lagoonal Estuary Geologic Inlet Tidal Inlet Channel Tidal Channel/Creek [land use TBD] NA NA NA NA Biogenic Substrate Organic Substrate Organic Detritus NA NA NA NA NA Benthic/Attached Biota Emergent Wetland Emergent Tidal Marsh NA NA NA The Guana Tolomato Mantanzas San Sebastian station is a fixed near-bottom water quality station (GTMSSWQ) in a Channel surrounded by Emergent Wetland. The station is located within a Moderately Tidal, high salinity Lagoonal Estuary.